What's your #cyclinglife?

What's your #cyclinglife?

A quick search on your favorite social media site for the hashtag #cyclinglife is bound to turn up hundreds upon hundreds of posts. It's clear that cycling has moved from simply a form of exercise to a lifestyle to be pursued and enjoyed. So what are the common characteristics of this lifestyle? Cyclists share a love of adventure, a sense of self-sufficiency, a strong desire for good healthy exercise, a love of the outdoors, and an appreciation of the simple pleasures of life. Never before has there been a better time to pursue the cycling lifestyle. Bike accessibility and bike lanes and trails are steadily increasing and improving. Bike clubs, bike cafés, bike diets, bike clothing (for both on and off the bike) are exploding as well. Social media draws cyclists across the country together as a community. What is your favorite aspect of #cyclinglife? What does #cyclinglife mean to you? We'd love to see glimpses of your #cyclinglife - make sure to tag #TakomaBicycle in your posts!


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