Encourage Active Cycling Kids

Encourage Active Cycling Kids

Get your kids on a bike!

It is no secret that one of the greatest challenges facing youth today is the battle against obesity. In the past few decades, the childhood obesity rates have more than tripled. Recent surveys show that 13.9% of children ages 2 to 5, 18.4% of children ages 6 to 11 and 20.6% of children ages 12 to 19 have obesity. There are a lot of compounding factors involved in the struggle against childhood obesity, but diet and exercise remain two of the core factors.

This summer, Takoma Bicycle would like to encourage YOU to encourage YOUR KIDS to get out and be active. Cycling is a great skill and hobby to establish among youth. Unlike many other sports, cycling is a past-time that can be pursued into adulthood. While not many adults are still playing football and soccer, those who developed a love of cycling while young are likely still actively engaged in the sport. Cycling can be a vital part of establishing healthy routines and a healthy living style. It is also a skill that if not nurtured early on is less likely to be developed later in life.

Due to safety concerns, kids having free reign of the neighborhood on their bikes is less and less common these days. However, you can encourage healthy living in your kids (and yourself) by organizing family bike rides several times a week. Cycling is a great activity allowing for bonding and conversation - and a break from all that screen time. If your kids thrive on competition, you can track your family's progress in cycling times across the summer. Or you can create a reward chart for the family - perhaps you all get to go to a movie together after a certain number of miles biked. Be creative and keep your kids motivated!

What will you do this summer to encourage your kids to be active?


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